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Analog Input
measurable voltage value.received from a sensor.
Differential Probe
*This is the first detachable design (patent for 15 years)*4 range attenuation selection, easy for operation.*For big power using. Max. Measuring is 7KVp-p.I*t is capable for any brand of digital and analog oscilloscopes.*16MΩ high input impedance.
Digital/Analog Frequency Response Analyzer
8800 Series
The analyzer utilizes a digital “Sync” signal to provide synchronization between analog and digital hardware. The Model 8800 performs simultaneous analysis on both analog input channels and digital target processor, reliably capturing all data. Versatile by design, the Model 8800 digital interface can be disabled, via software, to use the analyzer in a standard 2-channel, analog-only configuration.
Econo Motion Controllers
The DMC-41x3 motion controller is one of Galil's latest generation, stand-alone motion controller. Compared with the DMC-21x3 controller, the DMC-41x3 offers the following enhancements: 100BASE-T Ethernet, aux RS232 port, USB port, uncommitted analog inputs, up to 15 MHz encoder frequencies, more program memory, and faster sample frequencies. The DMC-41x3 also accommodates the same stepper and servo motor drives used in the DMC-40x0 series and allows two 4-axis 750 W drives to be installed in the 8-axis controller package. The DMC-41x3 is available as a box-level or card-level motion controller. The unit operates stand-alone or interfaces to a PC with Ethernet 10/100BASE-T, or USB. It includes optically isolated I/O in addition to analog inputs and outputs. The DMC-41x3 controller and drive unit accepts power from a single 20-80 VDC source.
Eight-channel USB Voltage and Thermocouple DAQ
Model DI-2008
Includes DI-2008 instrument, WinDaq software, calibration certificate, terminal screwdriver, and USB cable (6-feet). Eight differential and isolated analog input channels. Seven bi-directional digital input ports, including: Counter input for totalizing applications, Rate input for frequency/flow/rpm applications. ChannelStretch™ channel expansion to 128 analog and 112 digital channels. Programmable voltage and thermocouple measurements per channel. 10 mV to 50 V programmable range per channel in 12 steps.
EtherCAT Master Multi-Axis Motion Controllers
The DMC-52xx0 EtherCAT Master is Galil Motion Control's first 32 axis motion controller. It is a pure EtherCAT controller capable of controlling up to 32 drives and 2 IO modules on one EtherCAT Network in a small, space efficient package. The DMC-52xx0 makes configuration and programming easy with just a handful of EtherCAT configuration commands and Galil’s intuitive, two-letter programming language. The DMC-52xx0 is offered in 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 axis formats. Coordinated moves can be done within banks of 8 allowing for minimal changes to Galil’s programming language. Galil supports a variety of EtherCAT drives to accommodate most applications. The DMC-52xx0 operates in Cyclic Synchronous Position mode (CSP). In this mode the servo control loop is closed on the EtherCAT drive while the Galil sends motion profile data at a 1 kHz rate. The DMC-52xx0 features 8 uncommitted opto-isolated inputs and 8 uncommitted opto-isolated high power outputs. It also includes 8 uncommitted analog inputs and 8 uncommitted analog outputs. One 100 Mbps Ethernet port and one USB (serial) port are provided for communication with a host PC or external devices.
Extension Module
Infinite Industrial Informatics Lt
GE-AI-4 is a DIN rail mount, analog input expansion module with I2C serial communication interface. It can be used for the analog input expansion of Infinite's products as the SCOM-100 GSM controller and the iLOGPlus RTU/Data Logger.
Extension Module
Infinite Industrial Informatics Lt
GE-DIO-42 is a digital I/O, DIN rail mount expansion module with I2C serial communication interface. It can be used for the analog input expansion of Infinite's products as the SCOM-100 GSM controller and the iLOGPlus RTU/Data Logger.
Filtered Analog Input Expansion Board
MSXB 048
The MSXB 048 Filtered Analog Input Expansion Board has a four-pole low-pass Butterworth filter on each of its 16 single-ended channels. For DAP applications that require analog filters to take out all above-Nyquist frequencies before signal conversion, it simply replaces the MSXB 037 Analog Input Expansion board. Signal inputs normally connect to the MSXB 048 through a panel-mount DB-37 connector.
Electronic integrator of high sensitivity and very low drift. Equipped with USB interface, maximum/minimum store and comparator. 4 Measuring ranges. Constants of measuring from 10 E-7 to 10 E-4 Vs/digit. Attenuator from 10-100%. Digital 3 ½ digit LED-display and analog output 0-200 mV. Possibility to connect a foot switch for the reset function. Input: Ri = 10 kOhm.
FMC Dual ADC 12-bit 2.6 GSPS, Single DAC 16-bit 12 GSPS
The FMC250 is an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC+) per VITA 57.4 specification. The board has dual ADC and single DAC. The FMC250 utilizes dual AD9625 ADCs providing 12-bit conversion rates of up to 2.6 GSPS and a single DAC (AD9162 or AD9164) providing 16-bit conversion rates of up to 12 GSPS. The analog input, digital output, clock and trigger interfaces of the FMC250 are routed via SSMC connectors. The internal clock frequency is programmable and the clock is capable of locking to an external reference.
Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd.
The FMC121 provides two 16-bit A/D channels up to 1Gsps and two 16-bit D/A channels up to 1.4 Gsps data rate with a 2.8 GSPS update rate. The design is based on Texas Instruments’ ADS54J60 Analog-to-Digital converter and Texas Instruments DAC39J84 Digital-to-Analog converter. The sample clock can be supplied externally through a coaxial connection or supplied by an internal clock source (optionally locked to an external reference) for multi-channel synchronization. An external trigger input is available for timing synchronization. The FMC121 is mechanically and electrically compliant to the FMC standard (ANSI/VITA 57.1).
Frequency to Current Converter
The Frequency to Current converter DAT4540R is a signal conditioning din rail mount converter which converts a pulse input to an analog output equal to the set range which is selectable from 0.1 Hz up to 20 KHz. The DAT4540R also provides 2 relay outputs and a transistor output. The input can be from a Tacho, TTL, PNP transistor or from any Namur standard. The DAT4540R provides a Voltage or Current output that is isolated from the power supply and input.
Full-Featured Video Frame
Nexeon HD Xtra
Nexeon HD Xtra is a full-featured video frame grabber for high-definition video display and capture. It supports viewing and capture from high-definition video inputs from SDI, HDTV and VGA display sources. Nexeon HD Xtras has a flexible input interface complete with an HDMI compatible receiver and supports both analog and digital DVI/HDMI standards.
Full-Featured Video Frame Grabber
Nexeon HD
Nexeon HD is a full-featured video frame grabber for high-definition video display and capture. It supports video inputs from standard and HDTV resolutions as well as VGA display. Nexeon HD has a flexible input interface complete with an HDMI compatible receiver and supports both analog and digital DVI/HDMI standards.
Fully Differential Amplifiers
Differential amplifiers allow the process of single-ended input to complementary differential outputs or differential inputs to differential outputs. These amplifiers feature two separate feedback loops to control the differential and common-mode output voltages. Analog Devices fully differential amplifiers are configured with a VOCM pin, which can be easily adjusted for setting output common-mode voltage. This provides a convenient solution when interfacing with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). ADI also offers a series of differential receiver products that convert differential input signals to single ended output.
GPIB Analog Interface
Model 4861B
ICS's GPIB to Analog Interfaces are designed to provide isolated analog and digital drive signals to control power supplies and other devices. Optional isolated Analog inputs. Available in rack mountable Miniboxes™ and OEM board versions. All of ICS's GPIB to Analog Interfaces are fully IEEE-488.2 compliant and HP-IB compatible.
GPIB Analog Interfaces
ICS's GPIB to Analog Interfaces are designed to provide isolated analog and digital drive signals to control power supplies and other devices. Optional isolated Analog inputs. Available in rack mountable Miniboxes™ and OEM board versions. All of ICS's GPIB to Analog Interfaces are fully IEEE-488.2 compliant and HP-IB compatible.
GSM Controller
Infinite Industrial Informatics Lt
SCOM-100 is a powerful GSM controller for alerting and remote control using SMS. The rail mount unit incorporates a Quad Band GSM/GPRS modem, 2 analog inputs, 4 digital inputs with retentive pulse counting capability, 4 power relay outputs and a serial RS-232 port.
High performance, USB, Ethernet, WiFi
T7 Series
USB, Ethernet, or 802.11b/g WiFi connectivityFully compatible with Modbus TCP/UDP14 analog inputs at 16–18+ bit resolutionT7-Pro: up to 22 bit resolution, and WiFi2 analog outputs23 digital I/O
High-Speed Analog Output
High-speed analog output photocouplers (optocouplers) are optically coupled isolators containing a GaAlAs LED on the input side and a PIN photodiode and high-speed amplifier transistor on the output side in a single chip.
High Speed Comparators (<100ns Propagation Delay)
Analog Devices high speed comparators feature <100 ns propagation delay and are a versatile and easy to use solution for a range of applications. Owing to our proprietary CB and XFCB fabrication processes, our comparators such as the AD790 possess a fast response time with outstanding input voltage resolution.
IF/RF Receivers
IF and RF Receivers are designed for communications infrastructure applications. Wide input bandwidth and high sample rates allow digitizing close to the antenna. Various receiver architectures, such as zero-IF, IF sampling to direct RF receivers, are supported and available on chip post digital signal processing can be used to offset demands in the FPGA or digital ASIC and ease analog filtering.
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Analog Devices instrumentation amplifiers (in-amps) are precision gain blocks that have a differential input and an output that may be differential or single-ended with respect to a reference terminal. These devices amplify the difference between two input signal voltages while rejecting any signals that are common to both inputs. The in-amps are widely used in many industrial, measurement, data acquisition, and medical applications where dc precision and gain accuracy must be maintained within a noisy environment, and where large common-mode signals (usually at the ac power line frequency) are present.
Interface RS-485 and RS-422
The RS-485 specification meets the requirements for a truly multipoint communications network, and the standard specifies up to 32 drivers and 32 receivers on a single (2-wire) bus. Some RS-485 transceivers modify the input impedance to allow up to 8× more nodes to be connected to the same bus. Analog Devices offers a wide range of standard RS-485/RS-422 transceivers and iCoupler® isolated RS-485/RS-422 transceivers to suit many applications.
Interfaces & I / Os
USBTucan is a USB-connected I / O box with digital inputs / outputs, analog inputs and a galvanically isolated CAN interface.
I/O Input Board
16-Bit High-Throughput Analog Input Board, 16 Channels with Simultaneous Sample-and-Hold Inputs
Isolated RS-485
Analog Devices offers a wide range of standard RS-485/RS-422 transceivers and iCoupler® isolated RS-485/RS-422 transceivers to suit many applications. The RS-485 specification meets the requirements for a truly multipoint communications network, and the standard specifies up to 32 drivers and 32 receivers on a single (2-wire) bus. Some RS-485 transceivers modify the input impedance to allow up to 8× more nodes to be connected to the same bus.
JFET Input Amplifiers
Analog Devices JFET input op amps or FastFET high speed (>50 MHz) input op amps provide high input impedance and ultralow input bias currents for high speed applications. The majority of our FET input op amps feature wide supply ranges from +5 V to 12 V or higher and feature rail-to-rail outputs enabling wide dynamic range.
Lock-in Amplifier
The Zurich Instruments HF2LI (high-frequency, 2 inputs) is a digital lock-in amplifier covering the frequency range between DC and 50 MHz. It features 2 physical input channels so that it can replace 2 devices in many measurement setups. The 128-bit digital signal processing delivers superior precision thus boosting both the noise performance and the dynamic reserve. With these unprecedented capabilities, the HF2LI brings lock-in amplification to a new level and enables new applications in a frequency range that was previously tied to analog instrumentation. The computer is connected by a high-speed USB interface, which allows data acquisition at high rates. The HF2LI is delivered with a fully featured graphical user interface and a choice of programming interfaces that greatly add to the usability of the instrument.
Low-leakage LDO
*Low leakage current for best consumption in sleep mode*High PSRR to supply analog loads*Support input supply voltage up to 3.63V*Low quiescent